refactorized blog

New blog, new blog engine

gulp + github pages = love

I'm still working on it, as you can likely tell.

Instead of wrangling some existing solution I am rolling my own simple static site-gen with gulp.

This allows me to host the output for free using GitHub Pages!

Repo is on github and uses the gulp-gh-pages plugin to deploy the actual site.

Code is an unholy mess at the moment, but after a refactor it should be a pretty good guide for similar projects.

I am vacillating between keeping the code very direct to the purpose of generating this particular blog or delving into creating a general purpose engine.

Either way, my plan is to clean the code up and write several posts on its continued development.

Things to work on:

  • comments
  • general layout and navigation improvements
  • archives
  • tags

Summon Octocat to stand up a github repo in seconds.

I have really been trying to get in the habbit of putting my code up on github as soon as I start on a project, even if it's just a curiosity. I have wirtten a quick and dirty script to knock this step out without halting my momentum; my ADD doesn't need competition from my workflow.


node-docs alias

This is a feature I expected to find in nvm, and when I didn't I forked the repo so I could add it. I am a little busy right now, however; and I didn't know the best way to go about writing tests for a proper pull request, seeing as I would have to monitor the launch of a web page.

So I took the path of least resistance, and kind of like how that turned out. There is something delicious about adding so much convenience with 5 minutes of thought and one line of code.


blog. again.

  name:"Adam Tolley",
    "computing", "programming",
    "design", "ux",
    "3d printing", "micro fabrication",
    "music", "noise",
    "futurology", "speculative fiction",
    "robotics", "microcontrollers", "automation","iot",
    "education", "equality", "advocacy"